Explain: Hiya! I'm new! I love to rp so I would really like it if anyone would like to play as well. I don't have a specific plot in mind yet, so I'm working on it. But I would really like to meet some of you!
How many characters you want (self explanatory): As many as is possible!
What characters you want (4th years, werewolves, etc.): Any and all are welcome, but I would suggest reading my bio first, to see if Varian's personality is at all compatable with your own!
What you want to RP about: Meeting someone for the first time, or getting together with old friends over the break, would be great!
Location (Hogsmeade, Hogwarts, etc.): Hmm...Anywhich way...Hogsmeade trip, in the Halls of the school...Astronamy Tower
Other information:Please PM me with any interest/ideas!