Explain: Im trying to pinpoint some real Roll Play talent, to see if this website contains any actually skilled Roll Players. So far what I’ve seen states that no one here can post above the skill of a five year old child. So now is your chance to redeem yourself! Last chance!
How many characters you want (self explanatory): No more than four
What characters you want (4th years, werewolves, etc.): 6th Year and Up, Guys Or Girls
What you want to RP about: The Current War, Death Eater Information, Etc.
Location (Hogsmeade, Hogwarts, etc.): An un-named bar in London
Other information: Anyone who wants to reply to this request needs to be able to Roll Play on a level ABOVE a child's ability! IN OTHER WORDS; if you cant post something over two Paragraphs DONT BOTHER!